Words of a Fighter

Words of a Fighter

Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4th

He has been switched from Ativan to Xanax for anxiety. He's still on the Ventilatory, but his peep is at 4.7 which is good. We don't know exactly what that means, but we've been told that anything above 5 isn't good. His chest tube was removed yesterday, so that means that they don't believe his lung is in danger of collapsing again at this point.
He is still heavily sedated, so he hasn't been able to fully wake up yet. His Neurologist would like the sedation stopped so that he can fully assess the damage to his brain, but his Trauma Surgeon has ordered it to continue. Once again, as much as we'd all like him to be awake and responsive, if he would be in pain, we all agree that it's better that he sleep and get as much rest as possible while his body heals.
I am sad that my Dad will miss July 4th this year. I have fond memories of our Independance Day celebrations in the past. My Dad has always been a fan of M80's. We have never blown up a toilet together, (I wouldn't doubt he has on his own at some point in his youth), but we've blown many tuna cans sky high with them.
I'll leave you all with that, hopefully it puts a smile on your face. It does mine.

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