Words of a Fighter

Words of a Fighter

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 21...He's much more awake today

I am here with my Dad and he's very awake today. He has been answering questions by nodding his head or shaking it and he is also mouthing words and occasionally can make some sounds through his trach. I believe later that his speech therapist will be showing Linda how to deflate the trach and add a valve that will allow him to speak as he needs to.
He didn't remember Josh being here, but I was able to call him and put him on speaker phone so that he could speak to him and my Dad could hear him. I could tell that he was very happy to hear Josh's voice. He tried to speak to him, but mostly I had to translate to Josh what he was mouthing. He did make a cheer in the air with his right arm when Josh said he would be coming back soon to see him.
His face is healing more and more each day. He kept trying to feel his scars and wounds on his face, he seemed curious about the damage. I asked him if he'd like to see a mirror and he nodded. So, I told him that I would bring one in next time I came. He nodded again in agreement.
He laughed at a few jokes too. He laughed when I said that my husband calls me bossy and he laughed at a couple of lame jokes or comments that I made.
It feels soooo good to have him coming back to us. Today I really feel like he's coming around. His body has been healing well, but we have still been left with the question of his mind and where his brain damage would leave him.
While he still forgets where he is and why he's here, he recognizes all of us and knows who we are to him. I know that his memory will be patchy for awhile, as that is common with head injuries. My Mother had an accident nearly fifteen years ago and head some brain damage. It took her about three years to get back a lot of the things that she lost, but she did eventually get everything back. She still forgets things from time to time, or thinks that things happened differently than they did in the past, but that could be an age thing too.. (no offense, Mom). It's nice to know that my Dad still possesses his sense of humor and his love for his family. The rest is gravy.
Speaking of gravy, he did ask me for something to eat. He brought his hand to his mouth and made eating gestures. I asked him if he was hungry and he nodded yes. I explained to him that he was being fed through the PEG tube but told him that I was sure he'd much rather have a cheeseburger or a burrito, and he gave me a big nod to that one.
The best part of my visit,has without a doubt, been when he pulls my hand to his mouth and kisses it. The first time he did it, I thought he might try to bite me. But, then I saw him pucker his lips to give me a kiss and I willingly gave him my hand. He also reached up to me and my Grandmother and held his hand against our faces and patted gently. I think I can speak for both of us when I say that it was very rewarding to finally have him acknowledge us and show a gesture of love.
Linda and I are now waiting for his speech and occupational therapy sessions. I really look forward to that because I am the only one who hasn't had the chance to actually hear him speak through the valve when he has therapy. I will update again after he has his therapy.

1 comment:

  1. I am so encouraged by his responses now. It is hard for me to stay away right now, but he doesn't need a cold on top of everything else. I'll be there as soon as I am well again.
