Words of a Fighter

Words of a Fighter

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Nothing New to Report

I just wanted to check in and let everybody know that there really hasn't been any change since yesterday. He isn't awake yet. They plan to start backing his pain medication down slowly today to see if that helps him wake up. If he isn't awake by tomorrow, the doctor said that he would have a speech therapist come in and do something called 'coma stim'. Even though he isn't technically in a coma, his state of unconsciousness is very similar to a coma and what ever exercises the therapist will do helps to bring them to consciousness.
Most of us are ok with him still being out because we figure he needs the rest and time to heal. But the doctors want him to wake up, even if it's just for a short time because they want to evaluate his mental state and see if they can get a better idea of the extent to the damage to his brain.
Keep praying for him, pray for him to not have to experience much pain, pray for strength during his recovery and therapy, pray for his mind and that it is still in tact.
Thank you all for your prayers.

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