Words of a Fighter

Words of a Fighter

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dave is out of surgery

It went well and he is stable.  It took about 5 1/2 hours, and he has a large nail supporting his femur (upper leg) and a plate and screws in his tibia (lower leg).  He remained stable through surgery, although he had to have a few units of blood to keep his hemaglobin levels from dropping too low.  Some of the swelling returned so he's a little puffy, but they say that is normal with surgery and blood transfusion.  It seems like everytime he gets blood, his face swells up again.
He is resting now and they plan to give him through the weekend to recover from this surgery before they go in and fix his left arm and right wrist.  So long as he stays stable, they will fix those sometime next week.
We still don't know when they will allow him to wake up, however, at this time we are ok with them letting him sleep for now because we know he is pretty drugged up.  The way I see it, he can sleep for weeks if it means that he won't be in as much pain when he wakes up.  The only downfall to him being so heavily sedated is that we don't know what his mental impairments might be until he is awake and they can evaluate him.
His Neurologist is pretty optimistic regarding any damage to his brain, however, they do warn us that there is a chance that he may suffer from some impairment, but nobody can estimate how much yet.  His Ortho Surgeon, has prepared us for approximately 6 months to a year before he is able to get around without some sort of help, be it from a wheelchair, walker, cane, etc.  It is likely that he may have a limp for quite sometime.
He still has a chest tube and intracranial pressure monitor.  His pressure levels in his brain are still in the safe zone, though, which is good.
More to come....


  1. Thank God, he made it! That's one down and many to go. Hang in there Dave!!! Thank you Asha for setting this up, your dad would be so proud of you for keeping his friends in the loop like this! He has a ton of people on his side pulling for him and I just enlisted Heather Froglear from KFRG radio to help in any way possible. So, if Dave needs blood, you say the word, and we'll get it in no time!

  2. Thank you Asha for keeping us updated on your dad. We are certainly keeping your dad and your entire family in our prayers.
